
Remote Learning in Kindergarten


This week has been surreal.  The implications for schools are unprecedented. Teachers have been asked to prepare for remote learning with only a couple of days notice, and in some cases hours. So many teachers are finding themselves faced with the challenge of getting up to speed with digital within a day or two. Take a deep breath, there is support for you.

If your school and your students have been affected by closures here is a list of resources that may help.

One of the major challenges that low income families face during closure is the lack on internet connection. Here is some information from Comcast   and Verizon  on providing free internet or discounted prices to low income families.

Here are 2 free courses that will help get you ready to use digital

Google Classroom is free and readily available to teachers and schools.

You can set up a class in a matter of minutes. All you need is your school created email and password. The course will show you step by step how to add students, assign lessons, and a few tips for getting your students logged in.

Google Classroom Course

Boom Cards are self-checking digital task cards.

They provide immediate feedback to your students. Boom provides teachers with data on rate and accuracy. You can feel confident that you know what your students are doing even if they are at home. At the time of this writing Boom is offering a free membership to schools affected by the Coronavirus.

Here is a free course on Boom Learning




If you need more support for remote learning grab the free guide 

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