
March 2016

Go Outside!

“Go outside and play”, this was the direction given by my mother daily when I was growing up. I know I’m taking the risk of sounding like grandma but, back in my day, we played outside. A lot. I spent the weekend enjoying some warm sunny weather, and it got me

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Writing in Kindergarten

I love teaching kindergarten because the kids go from barely knowing their letters in the fall to full on writers by the end of the year. However the journey is not always easy.  I’ve seen my kids be really excited during group, ready to get to writing then they get

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What I love about board games.

Can we bring back board games? I love technology and I’m so grateful that children have constant access to it, but I love board games.  There’s nothing quite like sitting around the kitchen table with an old fashioned game. My own kids  love “family game night” and so do I. 

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